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Industry rethought (Tech-Podcast)
Industry rethought (Tech-Podcast)

Tech Podcast: Understanding the factory of the future

The factory of the future is the vision and dream of many manufacturers. But what exactly characterises it and how do the factories of today become the factory of the future? In the tech podcast "Industry rethought" Thomas Fechner talks about the status quo of industrial digitalisation, trends such as modularisation and the limits of the software giants.

Interview partner Thomas Fechner

Industry trends for the future - in the Tech Podcast we take a closer look at the factory of the future.

When will the first factory of the future actually open? For Thomas Fechner from Bosch Rexroth, the Factory of the Future is a target image that becomes tangible in the Bosch Rexroth model factory. In the same breath, however, he adds that customers are primarily interested in how they can develop their existing production in line with this vision. And that is exactly what the conversation is about - the transformation to a factory in which everything is flexible except for the walls, roof and floor, a smart factory. With this concept, factories can be quickly adapted to new requirements and orders.

Thomas Fechner talks about modular manufacturing concepts and how Bosch Rexroth wants to bring existing plants up to Industry 4.0 level. Starting with lean optimisation, the company advises customers on every step towards digital manufacturing. The market and sales are undergoing enormous change and IT is playing an increasingly important role. That's why this episode is also about Bosch Rexroth's platform approaches and the upcoming trends for the factory of the future.

Would you also like to find out what our Rexroth experts consider to be the gamechangers in automation? Which elements and concepts will further revolutionise the world of manufacturing in the coming years?

You can find these and other episodes on the factory of the future in our tech podcast channel "Industry rethought" on all known platforms or you can subscribe directly here via Podigee.

Contact person for the Bosch Rexroth Tech Podcast: Susanne Noll

Please feel free to contact Bosch Rexroth!